Continuous and meaningful youth engagement

Posted 05 July 2021 in Health & Wellness

Funded since 2021 delivers peer-to-peer education to ensure that young people can recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health distress, understand how to support themselves and others through mental health struggle, and know where and how to seek help if needed. Our work is evidence-based and regularly informed and overseen by an expert Board and a diverse range of experts in advisory roles.’s programs complement and promote the work of our partners/friends in the mental health space including Kids Help Phone, School Mental Health Ontario, Frayme, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).

Why We Fund

Through Jack Talks, Jack Chapters, Jack Summits, Be There, and Jack.originals, they successfully engage young people and equip them with the mental health education and resources they need, as well as the ability to recognize signs of mental health struggle in friends and family. Youth are directly involved in program design, delivery, advocacy, and decision-making.