About Power to Give

Since 2016, Power to Give has invested more than $75 million on behalf of a single donor into a small number of social purpose organizations, making it one of the most active grassroots-focused foundations in Canada. Today, other active and aspiring philanthropists are joining us to amplify this impact through our unique model:

People – We are an experienced team that are trusted to bring together the critical changemakers on both sides of the table – social purpose leaders and aspiring philanthropists – to convene, curate and connect inspirational ideas that can change the world.

Place – We bring these people together in remarkable venues – both on field trips to “see the work in action” and for theme-based retreats in inspiring locations. This facilitates synergies and inspiration in real time – with immediate, trusted proximity to funders who can make commitments far quicker than from behind a desk.

Purpose - We are pushing for a refreshed approach to philanthropy – beyond just our portfolio. We believe that Canadian charities and donors deserve a better system than currently exists and that the challenges we face as a nation require new thinking and action.

We’re here to add value

The funds we invest come from generous impact entrepreneurs who want to create meaningful change in the world. But we do our best to add even more value to every dollar that flows through the foundation. We lend our years of experience in the charitable sector, our own thought leadership around trust-based philanthropy, and, most importantly, our time. By finding, vetting, and developing organizations that align with our funders’ philanthropic priorities, we ensure that they can give with confidence, and in a way that’s meaningful to them.

We can do more good together.

This collective leverage drives robust support to promising social impact entrepreneurs—an efficient use of wealth that maximizes positive community impact.

Our approach provides our social purpose organizations with:

  • Tailored financial resources, including unrestricted, multi-year funding and connections to other donors
  • Management advice and tools, including strategic planning, leadership development and governance training
  • A cohort of peer organizations and leaders in the social purpose sector, plus annual Social Impact retreats and ongoing virtual gatherings
  • Streamlined application and reporting processes

Our approach provides our philanthropist partners with:

  • A one-stop-shop for their giving, no matter what stage they are at
  • Access to vetted social impact organizations supported by PTG’s training and resources, as well as our network of other donors
  • Opportunities to engage in discreet conversations with their peers about wealth, family, philanthropy, and impact in inspiring settings

Our Values

  • Trust: We believe in transparency on the impact we are trying to achieve to build lasting and trusted relationships
  • Collaboration: We seek valuable perspectives from others, acknowledging that greatness cannot be achieved without collaboration
  • Courage: We believe in taking calculated risks and being comfortable with the fact we might fail trying to achieve something great
  • Excitement: We believe excitement fuels giving and believe that anything is possible
  • Gratitude: We believe gratitude is a contagious emotion. Gratitude is
    what fuels our ability to achieve impact
  • Diversity: We believe in equal access to our resources and funding for
    those who might otherwise be excluded

A team experienced in delivering real impact
in our communities.

We are experienced in social impact and in working together with individuals who have significant capacity to give. With our individual and collective experience, we will support and guide you on your impact journey, ensuring your giving has real impact in our society.
Tim Cormode. Founder

Tim Cormode, Founder and CEO

Tim Cormode began his social impact career as the Founder and CEO of Power To Be. Wanting to combine his love for the outdoors with his social work experience, Tim launched Power To Be 24 years ago with a simple yet powerful idea: Imagine the impact nature can have on youth and families living with a barrier.

During his 24 years at Power To Be, Tim began to see the ways in which the relationship between social impact organizations and philanthropy was unnecessarily burdensome. As a result, the Power To Give Foundation was founded six years ago with a mandate to ignite visionary possibility in the social impact sector - rekindling belief with philanthropists, honourable change-makers, and deserving communities to pursue bold endeavours together.

In keeping with his passions, some of Tim’s most impressive pursuits include climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, and travelling to support Haiti relief. In 2015 he Received the BC Community Achievement Award. In 2020, Tim was inducted into the Canadian Disability Hall of Fame for his considerable contributions in the world of youth and families with barriers.

Tim lives in Victoria, BC with his lovely wife Brie, daughters Georgia, new baby Grace and golden retriever Fynn. When he is not with family or at work, he can usually be found on some adventure, doing what he loves best: living life to its fullest.


Ellen Henry

Ellen Henry, Director of Operations

Raised in Ontario, Ellen Henry has been a west coaster for over thirty years and thrives on her forest and ocean surroundings. She has supported the strategic work of boards and leadership teams in the social impact and private sectors for 15 years.

As a former entrepreneur, she brings a business mindset to her work in the social impact sector. Her focus on operations and finance for Power To Give, benefits from her joy in building relationships and “getting it done”.

Ellen and her husband love to be on the water, on the trail, or on the yoga mat. Travel also calls her to locations around Canada and around the world, often to visit far flung friends and family, including three grandchildren.

Carla Matheson

Carla Matheson, CA, Board Chair

Carla is the founder of CSM Insights and is an experienced Chief Financial Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. Skilled in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Financial Accounting, Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE), Consolidation, and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

A graduate of the University of Victoria, she also has a Master of Professional Accounting from the University of Saskatchewan. She was the CFO at Tiny and was the Senior Accountant for Deloitte Canada, Interfor, and Replay Resorts. Carla has served on The Power To Be board and its committees, and the boards of WeCommerce and Nano One Materials Corp.

Lindsay Hall

Lindsay Hall CPA, CA, Director and Treasurer

Lindsay is an experienced strategic executive leader with proven and repeated success developing strategy and executing internal business opportunities that result in sustainable business in the international arena. He is a pragmatic, multifaceted decision maker who adeptly evaluates, executes, and integrates mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

With a lengthy career in finance, Lindsay acted as VP and CFO for Hecla Mining Company , Goldcorp, and Placer Dome Mining Company. A Chartered Accountant, Lindsay has a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Manitoba. He has served on boards with the Victoria Golf Society, the Vancouver Symphony and Vancouver Symphony Foundation, the Victoria (BC) Conservatory of Music and is a Former Cabinet Member, The United Way of the Lower Mainland (Vancouver).


Lisa Stevens

Lisa Stevens, Director

Lisa is Chief Strategy Officer at BCCA and a Director at Wave’s Edge Canada Group alongside past-Premier Gordon Campbell, Mike Gillis, and Peter Gall. She has held leadership positions in public and private organizations involved in ecommerce, public health, technology, environment, music, and most recently, construction.

Lisa is the former SVP of Marketing at Sony Music where she worked with some of the world’s biggest artists. In Victoria, as SVP of Marketing at Abebooks.com, Lisa helped lead the company into an acquisition by Amazon.com. The World Health Organization recognized ActNowBC, where Lisa was the Executive Director, as a best practise for its success in leveraging the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games for population health.

In her spare time, Lisa raised two extraordinary young women and boot-strapped a tech start-up into a profitable “side gig” that was eventually sold. She is delighted to bring her skills and experiences to benefit the important work of the venture philanthropists at Power to Give.


We’re proud to gather audacious changemakers in exceptional places like these.

Have questions? Let us direct you to the right place.

Power To Give is a charitable foundation leading a growing network of impact entrepreneurs unified in a business mindset and a trust-based approach. We are a foundation for people who want to create meaningful change in the world and have something to contribute — whether that is capital, talent, tenacity or passion. We connect impact entrepreneurs to worthy causes.

Find out more


Canadian Disability Hall of Fame Inductee

Tim Cormode, Founder (2020)

Courage to Come Back Award Finalist

Adaptive Recreation Participant (2016)


We share career opportunities at our impact organizations

Would you like to work for, and alongside, people determined to make the world a better place? Check back for job openings with the impact organizations we partner with.