Our Charity Partners
The families we represent proudly support grassroots charities who share their spirit of collaboration and entrepreneurial mindset.
On behalf of our philanthropic network we currently support over 60 social-purpose charities focused on sustainable social impact in three focus areas:
Health & Wellness
Place-based giving is important to our clients because its effective. They like to support small communities, and we continue to refine our portfolio to reflect an emerging focus on Western Canada. This is where we’ve done the most work together and know how to make a difference.
To help our clients achieve their personal philanthropy goals we seek under-resourced, grassroots social impact charities with strong leaders. We are often first-in or early-in, funding organizations under-supported by traditional sources of philanthropic capital.
Our style of venture philanthropy allows these organizations to operate like the businesses they are. To focus on the mission and what they know works, not administration and what funders think will work.
After a customized assessment and vetting process, including in-person meetings and site visits, we provide:
- Unrestricted, multi-year funding
- Connections to our network
- Management advice and tools, including strategic planning, leadership development and governance training
- A cohort of peer organizations and leaders in the social purpose sector
- Annual Social Impact gatherings
- Monthly virtual professional development sessions
- Streamlined reporting
Reactive giving is not our way. You won’t find a grant application on our website because, rather than invest resources reviewing unsolicited requests, we begin with invitations to organizations we believe are a good fit.
Social impact gatherings for charities
Peer-based networking is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We host social impact leaders at facilitated gatherings that connect them with each other, their work, and their personal power to lead and achieve. We invite inspiring speakers and include members of our philanthropic network who are interested in learning more about the charities, in person.
Power to Give sees and acknowledges the work that we’re already doing in community and wants to support that. It help us have an impact and achieve what we’re out to do.”
Lucas Harris, Surfrider Canada
We focus on health and wellness, education, and environmental stewardship, and rural and remote communities.