When our friend Mike Kaumeyer introduced us to Irfhan Rawji last year, we couldn’t have guessed just how fortunate we were. As this profile on his recent UBC award highlights, Irfhan has a seemingly insatiable appetite for big ideas, collaboration and making a difference.
“It turns out, if you volunteer and work hard, you get asked to volunteer more and more until you say no. But I never said no.” – Irfhan Rawji
As Earth Day approaches on April 22, we here on Vancouver Island have been gifted a few remarkable natural sights recently – including a rare herring spawn off Port McNeil, a sea wolf swimming near Kyoquot, and transient Orcas swimming past a ferry off Galiano Island.
“California sea lions… Steller sea lions… a cacophony coming from gulls to diving birds to the eagles that are swooping down. It’s a front-row seat to the importance of herring.”
This Globe and Mail opinion piece by our funding partner and president of The Philanthropy Workshop, Lisa Wolverton, asks foundations to consider investing in charities with a renewed sense of urgency.
“We need to move toward a mindset of strength and abundance rather than a mindset of fear – of not having enough or holding on to resources forever.” – Lisa Wolverton
- Trails Youth Initiatives looks back at 30 years of working with at-risk youth
- QQs Projects Society’s Jess Housty published the inaugural Right Relations Collaborative “Reciprocity Report” on Indigenous funding approaches
- Sustainable soap that helps change lives (an idea with roots at our Tofino Impact Summit).
- Working with Shorefast, Power To Give is leading a group on a field trip to Fogo Island April 13-17. A prime example of a resilient remote community, the location will support conversations around sustainable community development and food security.
- April 20 Virtual Café will focus on Elevating Governance, providing online learning for our Social Impact Community.
- May 4 Virtual Café will focus on HR Trends, providing online learning for our Social Impact Community.
- May 9 Culinary Experience in Calgary benefiting Wild First and their work to protect the future of wild salmon. Thanks to Mike Kaumeyer/Grayhawk and Irfhan Rawji/MobSquad for their generous support.
- June 18-22 Social Impact Summit at Arowhon Pines brings our social impact organizations together for leadership training, connection… and a much-deserved recharge.
- November dates TBD Arctic Immersion in Churchill, Manitoba
- Our friend Dan Pallotta’s powerful new documentary, “Uncharitable”, will be released shortly. Stay tuned for information on our private screenings across Canada.
If you have:
- Ideas… we are always looking for high-impact organizations and leaders
- Intros… we are always excited to meet other active or aspiring philanthropists
- Interest… we would be honoured to assist with your philanthropic journey
The most generous town in Canada.
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“The next time you’re looking at a charity, don’t ask about the rate of their overhead. Ask about the scale of their dreams.” – Dan Pallotta