Strengthening youth and communities through the transformational power of music

Posted 25 April 2021 in Youth Education

Sarah McLachlan School of Music

Funded since 2015

The Sarah McLachlan School of Music (SoM) brings a strength and vibrancy to the youth and communities they serve by providing long-term student-centred musical mentorship. Instruction is provided by a team of working musicians and artists who are dedicated to creating safe spaces for young people to thrive.

Why we fund The Sarah McLachlan School of Music
We believe arts and music are integral to children’s development, but there are fewer and fewer opportunities for kids—and especially vulnerable kids—to meaningfully connect to the arts. The Sarah McLachlan School of Music is changing that. We’ve been proud to play a part in the organization’s efforts to scale and expand their reach so they can share the gifts of musical mentorship with more kids across Canada.